Capital Market Consultant

Title | Capital Market Consultant |
Company | Emerging Markets Finance |
Year | 1998-1999 |
Country | Kyrgyzstan![]() |
Funding Agency | USAID |
Project Name | Kyrgyzstan Capital Markets Development Program |
Mr. Johnson advised the Chairman and staff of the Kyrgyz National Securities Commission (USA’s SEC equivalent) on stock market operations, regulation, inspections, compliance audits, and fiduciary oversight responsibilities. Mr. Johnson drafted legislation and assisted the NSC with the consolidation of Voucher-Investment Funds into publicly traded, closed-end Investment Funds.
Mr. Johnson also served as the subject-matter-expert and advisor to the 16 privatization investment funds (PIFs) on all matters regarding investment fund operation, regulation, valuation, and shareholder relations. Finally, Mr. Johnson served as an advisor to the President and staff of the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange. Partially as a result of Mr. Johnson’s efforts the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange to increase listed companies on the KSE by 30% and trading on the KSE in 1998 by 200% (subcontracted to Pragma Corporation,)